Understanding malware As a software engineer, I have taken for granted I'd understand a lot of how malware works. But then I also know that the devil is in the details. This lead me to a YouTube series by @lauriewired ( https://www.youtube.com/@lauriewired ), who is a reverse engineer and takes apart malware in full view so that viewers understand process as well as tools. She is thorough and methodical in her videos, which makes me self-conscious about the way I leapt off the trail when doing similar investigations and looked to see what was at the endpoints or URLs I found in code - without finishing to see conclusively what the goal of the malware was. I'd assume data exfiltration, without necessarily proving such and from watching @lauriewired, I see there are many variants and what I'd missed was seeing how the perpetrators were likely actually setting up to download an entire command and control piece to make a virtual slave out of the system. Seeing malware de-obfu...
Thoughts and Ideas of a working software engineer. Observations of the oft-forgotten, but painfully obvious. Remember: Experience pays, and experience costs.