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Authorization is still a problem in the CWE...


A common problem on the Common Weaknesses list is CWE-862: Missing Authorization. This happens when a product doesn't check a user's permissions before they access something.

Often this weakness is solved once you implement an access control system. This system typically asks users for their login information when they open the application. This is like securing the "front door" - you know who's coming in. At that point you may have solved the “Front Door” authentication problem, where you know who you are letting in.

But what about inside the application? Each resource (like data or features) should also be checked against the user's permissions. This is the “Authorization” problem. This is a critical design consideration for any application because it applies to everything from buttons on the user interface (UI) to internal parts (libraries) used by the application. The importance of these checks depends on how sensitive the application's information and features are.

For a deeper understanding of authorization testing, consider exploring the OWASP project's WSTG - Latest for Web Application Security Testing guide, specifically section 05-Authorization Testing.


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